I had an emotional reunion with my clothing, jewellery and small bric-a-brac yesterday as my boxes arrived from Canada - yay!! I have been living without all my stuff for months now, and even though I got rid of 80 percent of my stash when I left Toronto, I still have a substantial bling collection, as you can see. And this pic represents only part of it! Maybe I should consider selling some, perhaps on Etsy, or having a big 'ole garage...
Friday, 30 March 2012
My stuff & me
Posted on 05:05 by kumar
Posted in Canada, Collections, Etsy, Grunge Queen Stuff Sale, Jewellery, Kelly Gadzala, Pop-up shop, Vintage Jewellery
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Wednesday, 28 March 2012
I heart Avon hearts these days, and Etsy too
Posted on 11:33 by kumar
I used to have a heart pendant, years ago, but in recent years I've thought of them as too cutsie. Then in February, while waiting to emigrate to the UK to be with the new hubby, all of a sudden, hearts had all kinds of appeal. Guess love was on the brain. Etsy.com, a fab online selling site for vintage and handmade items, yielded this vintage Avon heart necklace for less than $20 including shipping. It's not the style I typically favour, being small...
Posted in 1970s, 1980s, Avon, Costume, Etsy, Jewellery, Romance, Tips, Vintage Jewellery
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Monday, 19 March 2012
I found a vintage bag in a castle
Posted on 11:46 by kumar
Only in the UK could I have found a vintage bag in a castle - make that in Blackpool, to be precise, in the Nobre Cas hotel, a semi-cheesy castle-like structure across from the sea. There are heaps of old Art Deco hotels along the seaside of Blackpool and St. Annes, which must have been thriving when the Flyde coast was the hotspot for Brit vacationers ... but today they're somewhat derelict. Nevertheless, it was in one such hotel...
Posted in Accessories, Antique Market, Blackpool, Designers, Romance, Splurge, Vintage
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Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Purple bling-bling: large & small
Posted on 05:52 by kumar
My thrifting Achilles heel: anything purple and blingy, like this brooch I picked up in a charity shop in Lytham for a few pounds last week. The style is a bit too Victorian pour moi, and it is a brooch after all, meaning it's not as wardrobe-worthy as, say, a pendant. But I loved its sheeny sparkle and sheer size. Generally I'm not one for the wallflower look, preferring large statement pieces - though my look has modified slightly since immigrating...
Posted in Adventures, Antique Market, Blackpool, Charity shops, Colour, Costume, Jewellery, Lytham, Personal style
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Monday, 5 March 2012
My High Street look, a la charity shops
Posted on 05:02 by kumar
Most of my clothing is still en route to the UK, so when we were invited to a party the other night I found myself with nary a frock to wear - people would be checking out the new wifie, after all, so I figured I best look the part. Enter one of the many charity shops in the charming seaside town in which I live. I found this second-hand, mass market dress for the equivalent of about $15 Canuck bucks - not cheap by Canadian thrifting...
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