We beetled around for a few hours through three entire buildings of stuff.
Alas, I didn't find any vintage costume jewellery, but there were a few things of note:

This one looked OK but I left it there as it wasn't special enough (if it was a beautifully illustrated 1960s Hans Christian Andersen or Oscar Wilde's book of fairy tales, I would have snatched it up).

I loved this mirror, but there was no way I was going to lug it home! Besides, it was already sold ....

No head vases, alas.
And though I like Art Deco, I wasn't about to start collecting wall plaques in the shape of heads just for the hell of it.
The big one with the white scarf, to the left, was 695 pounds!!

Lots of pretty floral 1970s frocks - but really, where would I wear something like this??

I really rather liked this.
Think I'll take it home with me!
Will let you know on my next post what I actually bought!!
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