Saturday, 20 November 2010
Maybe I really AM the Grunge Queen!
Posted on 19:01 by kumar
... so I said to myself when I came home one day recently, only to find that my sweetums had bought me this romantic gift: a string mop, bucket, and cleaner to clean my floors!
Now don't get me wrong: I used to have a mop, long ago when I would spend entire weekends cleaning my pad. Then I got a life. The mop got old and I chucked it; the bucket - who knows where it ended up? Perhaps it's buried in my storage unit, pining away for the lost mop - but they both vanished from my domestic repertoire. What can I say?
And since no lecture accompanied said gift - only the quietest and most well-intended of cleaning wishes - I took no offense. And, truth be told, with all the cat hair and furballs puked up and sopped with only a piece of TP or a rag, let's just say those floors were looking a little worse for the wear.
And so, dear readers, I have embraced my spanky new bucket and mop, which you see here in my (now clean) utility closet (with a thrifted lamp, in need of repair, hiding in the background!). They have been put to good use this very day, when the good 'ole Grunge Queen found herself rearranging chairs and rugs and doing a little re-org of sorts - you will see the final product soon enough!
So go forth in good stead with thy mop, fellow grungers - and if a man ever brings you domestic supplies, think of it as a little reminder that he's not trying to change you ... he really just wants to spend his life with you -- with clean floors!!
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