Speaking of Emotional Decorating, one of my fave topics, I thought I'd share a few little ideas that not only make me smile but also make my space reflect The Essential Me:
When I get bored of an old gilt mirror, the side edge of which is pictured here, I tuck old cards and momentos into the edges of it.
I created this card for my Mom and Dad when I was a wee one, recycled from an old Easter card (as the pastel edges indicate). We kids used to go through the Sears holiday catalogue and cut out our fave images, then affix them on old cards. I just love this card, which explains why I snagged it from the folks! So on my little faux display board it goes.

I've hung onto it years and years. I just get the warm fuzzies every time I look at this little piece of my past.

I love the non-standard size (it's fatter than most biz cards), and the image is so lush.
Way too pretty for my Rolodex.

I used to dance quite intensively and this was a beautiful ballet piece I was in that was a re-worked choreography for the now defunct Theatre Ballet of Canada.
We used upturned umbrellas and danced to Debussy. Boy those umbrellas hurt the arms after dancing for over 5 minutes!
Guess who I am? (far right).

She loved it and so do I: the clutch purses between the bookends are so very glam Grunge Queen!
Hope these little ideas inspire you a wee bit.
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