An obvious style maven and vintage lover herself, Diana has not only a good style eye, but she also has this great talent for picking items out for others that completely suit their style personality.

While we were in the midst of our shopping sojourns, Diana presented me with this lovely 1970s burnished silver-tone pendant and chain by AVON.
She found it at a clothing swap and thought of me, the sweetie.
Needless to say, I love it. It is very MOI.
I don't know much about AVON bling, except to say that some pieces that were designed by the stars (Liz Taylor being one) are quite valuable.

When my interview was done, I was was sooo close to the Goodwill off Laird Drive that, well, I just had to pop in on my way home (don't tell me editor).
It was hotter than Hades in there, but, with bling on the brain, I did an intensive rummage in the bins splayed all over the counter in the shop.
I found this rather industrial looking pendant and chain for $2.99 (cheap for Goodwill these days, I have to say). I got it for a steal as the chain is broken, but that can be easily repaired. I like the rough-and-tumble look to it - it totally suits the rock n' roll persona I'm playing out these days.

Beam me up, Scottie!!
Seriously, do you think Star Trek was the inspiration for this baby?
Not sure if I'll ever wear it, but if it'll come in handy if I'm ever a Star Trek babe for Halloween
Sarah Coventry bling is pretty easy to find and collectible in one sense, but I'd warn you against spending too much on these pieces as they are pretty easy to dig up at garage sales and the like. I paid $15 for a SC cocktail ring at The Bead Goes On in Toronto - a good price - yet recently saw a SC pendant for $60 in a vintage shop - too pricey for the GQ and most collectors, I suspect.

Owls are very hot now; I'm seeing them all over Etsy and the motif seems to be inspiring designers as well.
It's not really my bag, but I couldn't leave it there.
Perhaps I'll give it to Diana, to keep or to sell.
Speaking of Goodwill it's 50% off day tomorrow, though if you go to the one I did today be prepared to bring your portable air conditioner.
And if you want to learn more of Diana's A Touch of Vintage Etsy shop and studio, check out my review on a new blog I'm developing (that is still in major Beta mode, so bear with me), She Shops Toronto.
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