The day began with this retro Hoover vacuum spied outside my apartment dumpster as I was heading to work in the morning.
Just look at the dust bag at the back. The pattern is so pretty it could be a handbag!
Appliances are more muscle-bound macho industrial now, perhaps to appeal to the growing male market - no longer us chicks staying at home and doing the cleaning!

Aren't they adorable?
They'll be waddling around the area for the next few weeks. The geese come back every year. I wonder what attracts them to a semi-industrial area where I work?

Here's my pal Chris, wielding a Blizzard for our editor - Banana Cream Pie or something - do you know they still put real bananas in?? We watched them chop it up and everything.
We had burgs and fries and ice-cream outside on the patio - a great way to celebrate the day as it was super warm.
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