While doing a thrift dig in Goodwill the other day, this lovely pendant behind glass attracted me. It was priced $9.99, a bit high for the Grunge Queen, but I bought it anyway as I loved it.
Got it home, pulled out the magnifying glass and saw there was a "Miracle" stamp on it. Miracle Jewellery, as it turns out, is a Birmingham, England-based company that's been making mostly costume bling since 1946.
The company is well known for its jeweled Celtic and Irish jewellery but also has been known to make non-jeweled pieces like this Tudor rose. I did a quick Ebay search and found only one listing of this supposedly "rare" pendant. Not sure if it's rare or if it was made in the 1940s as the Ebay seller suggested (I'd say 1960s maybe), but there you go.
I'll wear this, happily, as I move towards my trip.
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