I look so different now. Let's just say I would NEVER wear an outfit like that now, even though that one was 100% thrift.
Speaking of bling, I have some little gems of information to dispense today: thrifter's news let's call it!
COMMON SORT 50% off sale TODAY
If you're a Torontontonian, get thee thrifty butt over to Nicole Babin's second-hand and vintage shop NOW (the line ups have probably abated) as she's having her famous 50% off sale today until 7 p.m. in her Queen St. E/Riverside shop.
Check out her fab new website Common Sort
AND look out for her NEW west-end Parkdale store at 1414 Queen West, opening in a couple weeks!!
I had a reader recently ask about local swap events, and the timing for that question was perfect as I just joined a group known as Swap Sity.
It's on Saturday, August 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and you can rent a table by the hour or two-hour period to sell and/or swap.
From what I understand you have to pay to get in as a shopper, but I'm not sure how much.
To rent a table or get more info you have to go to the site and then email them.
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