Does this look like a bed fit for a queen, perhaps a Grunge Queen?
Hey, that looks like a crown on the bed to me.
I could have slumbered and dreamed all night long after the official launch party last night of 1212, a swank new design shop at 1212 Yonge St. in Toronto.
Many of the colours, as you see here, match the beachy hues I was talking about yesterday.

Check out this occasional chair by Avant Garde - it's covered with this nubbly terry cloth material.
Loving the pink rattan table beside it.
These are not Grunge Queen prices by any means, but I'm too excited by the colours and styles to worry about that.
Let's just call this post a Grunge Queen inspiration post.

As Creative Director Alexander Donovan explained to me, 1212 carries a melange of styles and decor pieces and embodies the ethic that decorating should be fun, not a thing to be afraid of.
Well I'd say that jives with the 'ole Grunge Queen philosophy pretty well.

The full-service design shop carries the most comprehensive selection of works by the designer, artist and illustrator Larry Laslo of Larry Laslo Designs.
Mr. Laslo was on hand last night and gave me a personal tour of some of the shop and showed me some of his furniture pieces, which he describes as structural.

Laslo's colour palette isn't like the beachy one I'm showcasing here, but his pieces are lovely.
This French Deco sofa ($6240.00), which I hope isn't too dark in this pic, is one of his creations.
Interestingly he told me that for some reason, a couch is the hardest thing in the world to design. I would have thought the opposite: shows how much I know!

Still, you can tell the man has some pluck, evidenced by the jaunty pinstripe suit he wore for the occasion.
He's posing for me here under a work of art he created - he started off as a painter, he told me.
The piece is called "Take a Spin" and it's covered with 10-15 coats of resin to give the surface a super gloss look.
Love it. Want it. Won't even bother to look at the price.

The only thing that I could afford, and that would be in a pinch, is one of these gorgeous mixed ribbon pillows, $435 each.

Worth a pop in for a gander.
1212 Yonge St.
toll free 1-877-999-1235
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