They are currently on hold at my spec shop, which I am going to do a post on soon.
According to the glasses Gods they just don't make the faceted type of specs any more, so these, at $300, are def a collector's item.
You know my penchant for big 1970s/80s sunglasses.

They do look good on me.
Do I need them? Do I think my life will change in some dramatic way if I get them? Perhaps.
Since hearing this verse in a Toronto bar, I'm tempted to make this my mantra: "Single girls, single girls, go to the shop and buys, go to the shop and buys ....".
Can any single gal out there relate? Is shopping just a way to deal with our single-dom? When we shack up do we immediately put the bank card aside and start having babies?

Tell me what you think of the glasses, please. They're already mine in my mind.
In the meantime here's a funny shot of my pal and fellow reporter, Chris, who donned one of my fave pair of 1970s sunglasses the other day.

They do look kinda cute on him.
If you feel like playing a fun game today, check out my recent post on my retro shade collection and tell me which ones you like in order of preference - include these ones too even though they are not yet mine! Vote on Kelly's retro oversize sunglasses collection
Have a happy Monday!!
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