The table is occupying a formerly empty space and is helping to solve the problem of what to do with a cumbersome wrought iron base that used to be part of a larger table (that I thrifted years ago, of course) - but it's been on its own sitting on the balcony since I threw out the ugly 1960s laminate top that was covering it.
I'll tell you what I did in a sec, but I'm kinda liking the look of a simple table with magazines stacked under the thrift shop painting. It just looks clean and - well, for the Grunge Queen at least - quite crisp.

As to the top, I had a teak shelf that was inside my teak hutch that I wasn't using, so I plopped it on top and it fit perfectly.
I haven't screwed to the wood in at all - way too handy for the old Grunge Queen - but the weight of thew magazines should be enough to keep the whole thing in place. But if a kitty jumps on it that'll be it.

I think the openness of the lower part of the table gives a sense of open space.
Little touches, like hanging a bright yellow 1980s sequin top from the table as you see above, add a touch of whimsy and GQ glam.
Grunge Queen philosophy, as you may know, is to unleash your creative pluck without worrying about being uber handy!
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