Doreen, a Grunge Queen reader who has become a friend, made it for me.
Doreen and I met a few months ago after corresponding via email, and we discovered we were fellow writers, thrifters, and general kindred spirits - and we share the same B-day to boot!
Last weekend we met for lunch and a thrift dig, and she presented me with the brooch and another wonderful pressie she made ....

I just love it. And the crown is so perfect.
Doreen is the kind of person who will bump into Gordon Lightfoot and respectfully ask for an interview, which she got. Check out her Brazen Heroine website for that interview and for her professional racy writings!

I didn't think she was going to find anything, but she walked away with these fab shoes for $4.99 in the end. I picked up some Peter Pan Getaway boots (that's what we used to call them in the 80s) for the same price that I will try to show you soon.
Doreen and her hubby, btw, read GQ regularly - Doreen tells me if her husband doesn't get a chance to check in he will ask her 'what Kelly found today?' - I am so flattered and thrilled; just get the warm fuzzies thinking about that!
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