I didn't find her - she kinda found me this weekend.
I was in a shop doing research and was having a great time chatting with the owner. I told her how much I loved her store, and she gave me this pin because as she put it, she always gives a gift to newcomers. Wowsers.
Or maybe it was because I asked to take pictures and the 20-somethings in there with me just starting snapping away.
No matter. I accepted the pin (and bought some items, natch, will post soon).
Now I love my Madame Vroom-Vroom.

She appears to be made of recycled pins and baubles.
I sure wish I knew who the designer was. The kind lady who gave me the pin said that a customer recognized the designer from the pin but she couldn't remember.
I wore her on my coat lapel last night, and she sure looked fab.
Have a vroom vroom day - 14 degrees C in Toronto today, yay!!
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