I have no use for cufflinks personally, unless I start wearing men's shirts (a neat possibility come to think of it, style a la Sharon Stone).
But I had to buy these bejeweled cufflinks when I found them in the case of my fave thrift shop, Stretch Thrift.
They're by Swank, an American company that started in the late 1930s making and selling cufflinks for the masses.

I found Swank cufflinks listed on Ebay for about $40, though not sure if they're selling for that. A pal at the Toronto Vintage Costume Jewellery Club I just joined said they sell for between $15-$30.
Wonder if mine are worth more with the box?
It may be hard to tell but the cufflinks are multi-faceted and multi-coloured glass - sp pretty.
Maybe I'll find a stylish metrosexual man to put them on. Hee hee.
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