That's me on the phone at The Sutton Place Hotel in downtown Toronto, wearing heaps of vintage and retro pearls for a photo shoot.
Hopefully these photos will generate some interest in the media about the Toronto Vintage Costume Jewellery Club Show and Sale this Saturday, April 24 at the Leaside Memorial Gardens.
They were graciously snapped by Joey Cee, Toronto entertainment entrepreneur and long-time associate producer of the Beach Jazz Fest.

Who says you can't rock those pearls? Coco Chanel would be proud.
The ensemble is glam yet edgy, street smart and sassy yet ooh so feminine.

The pearls really pop against the black top, and the 1980s earrings add a pop of girl power, a la Working Girl flic starring Melanie Griffith, don't you think?
I had so much fun doing this shoot. Many thanks to fellow club member and jewellery collector extrodinaire, and general sweet person Colleen Roberts.
I had so much fun modeling and putting the outfits together I may do it again!

Love the bling of the wall sconce.
If you want to duplicate this look I'd take a dig in the jewellery cases at thrift stores. Value Village usually has cheap versions of pearls hanging about. Consignment shops are also a good bet. Or check out the sale on the 24 if you're local! I'll be there but I don't think I'll be selling.
More photos to come over the next few weeks as we count down to the sale ....
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